Source code for stencila.python_context

import imp
import os
from six import exec_
import sys
import traceback

from .value import pack, unpack

import numpy
import pandas

import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

undefined = object()

[docs]class PythonContext(object): def __init__(self, dir=None): self._dir = dir if dir: os.chdir(dir) self._global_scope = { 'numpy': numpy, 'np': numpy, 'matplotlib': matplotlib, 'plt': plt, 'pandas': pandas, 'pd': pandas }
[docs] def runCode(self, code): """ Run Python code """ # Execute the code errors = None try: exec_(code, self._global_scope) except: errors = self._errors() # Check for 'artifacts' artifact = None # matplotlib figure figure = plt.gcf() if len(figure.get_axes()): artifact = figure plt.clf() output = undefined if not errors: # Evaluate the last line and if no error then make the value output # This is inefficient in the sense that the last line is evaluated twice # but alternative approaches would appear to require some code parsing last = code.split('\n')[-1] try: output = eval(last, self._global_scope) except: output = undefined # If output is undefined and there was an artifact (e.g. a matplotlib figure) # then use the artifact value as output if output is undefined and artifact: output = artifact return { 'errors': errors, 'output': None if output is undefined else pack(output) }
[docs] def callCode(self, code, inputs={}): """ Call Python code """ # Extract names and values of inputs names = inputs.keys() values = [unpack(package) for package in inputs.values()] # Create a function within a temporary module having # input names as parameters and code as body if not code.strip(): code = 'pass' func = 'def func(%s):\n%s\n' % ( ','.join(names), '\n'.join(' %s' % line for line in code.split('\n')) ) module = imp.new_module('temp') # Call the function output = undefined errors = None try: exec_(func, self._global_scope, module.__dict__) output = module.func(*values) except: errors = self._errors() return { 'errors': errors, 'output': None if output is undefined else pack(output) }
def _errors(self): exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback = sys.exc_info() # Extract traceback and for compatibility with >=Py3.5 ensure converted to tuple frames = [tuple(frame) for frame in traceback.extract_tb(exc_traceback)] # Remove first associated with line that executes code above frames = frames[1:] # If this is Python 2 then also need to remove the frames for the six.exec_ function if len(frames) and frames[0][0][-7:] == '/': frames = frames[2:] # Replace '<string>' with 'code' for file, and '<module>' with '' for function # (filename, line number, function name, text) trace = [] for frame in frames: trace.append([ frame[0].replace('<string>', 'code'), frame[1], frame[2].replace('<module>', ''), '' if frame[3] is None else frame[3] ]) # Get line number from last entry if len(trace): line = trace[-1][1] else: # No trace when syntax error line = 0 return [{ 'line': line, 'column': 0, 'message': exc_type.__name__ + ': ' + traceback._some_str(exc_value) }]
PythonContext.spec = { 'name': 'PythonContext', 'base': 'Context', 'aliases': ['py', 'python'] }