Source code for stencila.value

Type and packaing and unpacking of data values

# pylint: disable=redefined-builtin,too-many-return-statements,too-many-branches,no-member

import base64
import json
from io import BytesIO
from collections import OrderedDict

import matplotlib
import numpy
import pandas

[docs]def type(value): """ Get the type code for a value :param value: A Python value :returns: Type code for value """ type_ = __builtins__['type'](value).__name__ if value is None: return 'null' elif type_ == 'bool': return 'boolean' elif type_ == 'int': return 'integer' elif type_ == 'float': return 'number' elif type_ == 'str': return 'string' elif ( isinstance(value, (matplotlib.figure.Figure, matplotlib.artist.Artist)) or (type_ == 'list' and len(value) == 1 and isinstance(value[0], matplotlib.artist.Artist)) ): # Use the special 'matplotlib' type to identify plot values that need # to be converted to the standard 'image' type during `pack()` return 'matplotlib' elif type_ in ('tuple', 'list'): return 'array' elif type_ == 'dict': type_ = value.get('type') if type_ and isinstance(type_, str): return type_ return 'object' elif isinstance(value, pandas.DataFrame): return 'table' else: raise RuntimeError('Unable to pack object\n type: ' + type_)
[docs]def pack(value): """ Pack an object into a value package :param value: A Python value :returns: A value package """ type_ = type(value) format_ = 'json' if value is None: data = None elif type_ == 'boolean': data = value elif type_ in ('integer', 'number'): data = value elif type_ == 'string': data = value elif type_ in ('array', 'object'): data = value elif type_ == 'table': columns = OrderedDict() for column in value.columns: col = value[column] # See the list of numpy data types at # values = list(col) if col.dtype in (numpy.bool_, numpy.bool8): column_type = 'boolean' values = [bool(row) for row in values] elif col.dtype in (numpy.int8, numpy.int16, numpy.int32, numpy.int64): column_type = 'integer' values = [int(row) for row in values] elif col.dtype in (numpy.float16, numpy.float32, numpy.float64): column_type = 'number' values = [float(row) for row in values] elif col.dtype in (numpy.str_, numpy.unicode_,): column_type = 'string' elif col.dtype == numpy.object and values: # Get the type from the type of the first value column_type = { str: 'string' }.get(__builtins__['type'](values[0])) else: column_type = columns[column] = values data = OrderedDict([('type', 'table'), ('data', columns)]) elif type_ == 'matplotlib': image = BytesIO() matplotlib.pyplot.savefig(image, format='png') type_ = 'image' src = 'data:image/png;base64,' + base64.encodestring(image.getvalue()).decode() return {'type': type_, 'src': src} else: raise RuntimeError('Unable to pack object\n type: ' + type_) return {'type': type_, 'format': format_, 'data': data}
[docs]def unpack(pkg): """ Unpack a value package into a Python value :param pkg: The value package :returns: A Python value """ if isinstance(pkg, str): pkg = json.loads(pkg) if not isinstance(pkg, dict): raise RuntimeError('Package should be an `Object`') if not ('type' in pkg and 'data' in pkg): raise RuntimeError('Package should have fields `type`, `data`') type_ = pkg['type'] format = pkg.get('format', 'json') data = pkg['data'] if type_ == 'null': return None elif type_ == 'boolean': return data == 'true' elif type_ == 'integer': return int(data) elif type_ == 'number': return float(data) elif type_ == 'string': return data elif type_ == 'object' or type_ == 'array': return json.loads(data) elif type_ == 'table': if format == 'json': dataframe = pandas.DataFrame() for name, column in data['data'].items(): dataframe[name] = column return dataframe elif format in ('csv', 'tsv'): sep = ',' if format == 'csv' else '\t' return pandas.read_csv(BytesIO(data.encode()), sep=sep) else: raise RuntimeError('Unable to unpack\n type: ' + type_ + '\n format: ' + format) else: raise RuntimeError('Unable to unpack\n type: ' + type_ + '\n format: ' + format)